Friday, August 28, 2009

March 31

When i came back from school, my house was

decorated with
balloons and a sign

"Happy Birthday Ryan"
in front of the house..

I felt very surprise and happy :)

My beloved grandparents came to my house

to celebrate my birthday.

I felt really really really happy!!!!!

They held a birthday party for me and ordered

KFC & pizza for me:)

i was very hungry when i saw the food...

my saliva came out..... and i ate like a pig^^

I opened the presents i received from my family..

Mum gave me a toy helicopter,

my aunty gave me lao fu zi comic books and a

big huge jigsaw puzzle.

my grandparents gave me angpau.... rm 30...yeah^^

my favourite present's the helicopter mummy gave..

i am really really really really very happy that day!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :)

i felt very grateful to them.

thank u daddy,mummy,aunty,& my grandparents.

i love all of u

1 comment:

  1. dear ryan and family,
    how are u guys going?? miss me or not??
    aiya....sure got lar..hehe^^
    i miss all of u a lot lar....
    when are u guys coming back??

    the happy bday decoration was great:)

    oh ya,u left two handkerchiefs here^^

    from alice and family
